Edit The init part of the theme is up online in github so feel free to try it and raise any issue or suggestions. Well, not long ago I came across this great ghost platform, it possess a great theme, this theme is a simple, minimalistic and really useful, Casper theme is one of the …
Getting Element Child Sizes with Jquery
This is a fast and reliable way to find the biggest DOM element inside another element, this way we can alter its size to match its brothers. if you have any comments or suggestions how this can be done with out javascript I’m all ears
Off Canvas Bootstrap Navigation
How to use: Add or copy the style.css content or link to the file from your html. –> CSS File You also need to include app.js or just copy paste this small snippet. This part do not have decencies since is vanilla javascript, but for the design it will work a lot better if you have …
Javascript functions, call
Javascript functions call backs This time I would like to talk about how easy it is to test if a javascript function it is done executing, by setting booleans the next example will give you a good head start on how to do if you ever need this kind of algorithm function doSomething() { doSomething.complete …
Simple user agent
When developing web applications sometimes is good to know which device it is visiting the site, the three most common ways to check for a device user agents are on JavaScript, Apache and PHP (” of course there is more ;) “), All techniques works good, it is all about taste of the person. On …
Getting Input text value with jQuery
I look a lot true the net and I couldn’t find anything about in how to get a value of a input text, but only if the element has not zero on it, and noted, that I am talking about a interactive application the gets data back and forwards servers true ajax. What I think …