The technology industry has been making headlines for its lack of diversity for many years now. Despite numerous initiatives, promises, and claims from tech companies, the representation of women, people of color, and other marginalized groups in the industry remains low. In this article, we will examine the reality of these claims and the state …
PHP – Find and copy files in dir and sub dir
I recently came across some small torrent with some terrible structure and I really wanted to have all the files in a single folder but I am way too lazy to do it by hand, so I wrote this small “program” to do it for me. The main function that I use for this task …
Increase attacks on Danish Servers
Lastly I have notice that a lot people has had their sites hacked and injected with malware with functions in their themes or plugins executing bad functions via base64 string… but don’t worry much looks like they are just dummy robots or newbies trying to learn… I mean they don’t even look at my page …
Global Alert Class/Function for iOS – Swift
For some funny reason, I been writing the same code over and over again to display alerts to the end user, I know pretty non practical but it was just some really low level function that I never thought about it until now. Here is a simple class that will save a lot time.
Ghost Blogging – Casper theme for WordPress
Edit The init part of the theme is up online in github so feel free to try it and raise any issue or suggestions. Well, not long ago I came across this great ghost platform, it possess a great theme, this theme is a simple, minimalistic and really useful, Casper theme is one of the …
Getting Element Child Sizes with Jquery
This is a fast and reliable way to find the biggest DOM element inside another element, this way we can alter its size to match its brothers. if you have any comments or suggestions how this can be done with out javascript I’m all ears