I recently came across some small torrent with some terrible structure and I really wanted to have all the files in a single folder but I am way too lazy to do it by hand, so I wrote this small “program” to do it for me. The main function that I use for this task …
Ghost Blogging – Casper theme for WordPress
Edit The init part of the theme is up online in github so feel free to try it and raise any issue or suggestions. Well, not long ago I came across this great ghost platform, it possess a great theme, this theme is a simple, minimalistic and really useful, Casper theme is one of the …
Bootstrap Light Box Vimeo URL fix – PHP
When it comes down to use a great Lightbox to extends Bootstrap, my favourite is https://github.com/ashleydw/lightbox which is really easy to extend and just plain good. But when it comes to use vimeo videos url, there is a catch. You can’t use the normal video URL, there for I wrote this little function. It gets …
Using recursion to find a value inside an array
The fastest way to find any element inside an array or multi dimensional array is using this function: This a good example in how to use recursion to create a good function that will call itself over and over again until the task is over. What’s Recursion? A recursive function is one that calls itself, …
one.com Common sin made by Customer Service
Well are some issues with their consumer service. The mains problems I encounter so far from some consumer that contacted one.com first: Moving WordPress site to the root: This is one of the most simplest thing to do, but some representative from their consumer service made him paste this in his .htaccess file: Redirect 301 …
¿Como saber capacidad de disco sin tener acceso al c-panel?
Cada día se aprende nuevos algoritmos, ya sean desarrollados por nosotros mismo, o por otros developer en esta comunidad grande que existe hoy en día. Pero vamos directo al grano, el problema he tenido hoy es con un servidor, que por cierto (link) es uno de los peores servidores que me he tenido que trabajar …