Edit The init part of the theme is up online in github so feel free to try it and raise any issue or suggestions. Well, not long ago I came across this great ghost platform, it possess a great theme, this theme is a simple, minimalistic and really useful, Casper theme is one of the …
Getting Element Child Sizes with Jquery
This is a fast and reliable way to find the biggest DOM element inside another element, this way we can alter its size to match its brothers. if you have any comments or suggestions how this can be done with out javascript I’m all ears
Bootstrap Light Box Vimeo URL fix – PHP
When it comes down to use a great Lightbox to extends Bootstrap, my favourite is https://github.com/ashleydw/lightbox which is really easy to extend and just plain good. But when it comes to use vimeo videos url, there is a catch. You can’t use the normal video URL, there for I wrote this little function. It gets …
Using recursion to find a value inside an array
The fastest way to find any element inside an array or multi dimensional array is using this function: This a good example in how to use recursion to create a good function that will call itself over and over again until the task is over. What’s Recursion? A recursive function is one that calls itself, …
What is darodar.com? How to get rid of it?
Going true some traffic records of google analytics I can across something that was really odd, some url forum.topic24383812.darodar.com and what makes it even more odd is its behavior is when you follow this url source what we get a is a 301 redirect like this. But before I can says this is for sure a …
Critica personal de Adulterio – Paulo Coelho
Cosas de la vida. Conforme pasa la vida, nos damos cuenta de todo lo que tenemos, pero con el tiempo muchos de nosotros tendemos a dejar a preciarlo o siemplemente olvidamos todo lo que tenemos y lo lejos que hemos llegao la vida. Pero simepre, siempre que leo los libros de Paulo Coelho me recuerda …